2014 Publications by DERC members
Akama, Y, 2014. Attuning to Ma (between-ness) in designing, Proceedings in PDC 14, Windohoek, Namibia, 6-10 October 2014.
Akama, Y, in press, Ba of emptiness: enabling potential for designing and social innovation, Design and Society in Japan Journal, Josai.
Akama, Y. 2014, Community Centred Innovation: co-designing for disaster preparedness, Good Design Selection Exhibition, Martin Place, Sydney, May 23 – June 9, 2014.
Akama , Y. 2014, Community Centred Innovation, Feral Experimental, UNSW Galleries, Sydney, July 18 – August 30, 2014.
Akama, Y. 2014, Passing on, handing over, letting go – the passage of embodied design methods for disaster preparedness, Service Design and Innovation Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 9-11 April 2014.
Akama , Y. 2014, Scaffolding a human-centred practice in graphic design, in Triggs T. & Atzmon, L (eds.), The Graphic Design Reader, Bloomsbury.
Akama Y., Chaplin S, & Fairbrother P. 2014, ‘Social Networks and bushfire preparedness’. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, pp. 277-291.
Akama Y., Cooper, V., & Mees, B. in press, ‘Beyond transmission: alternative communication frameworks in Australian bushfire preparedness’, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment.
Akama, Y. and S. Pink (2014) ‘Design+Ethnography+Futures: Disrupting’. PDC2014 Workshop: Design Anthropology in Participatory Design - From Ethnography to Anthropological Critique. 13th Participatory Design Conference. Namibia.
Berry, M., and Schleser, M. (2014) Creative Mobile Media: The State of Play, in Making Mobile Media in an Age of Smartphones, Berry, M and Schleser, M (eds.) Palgrave Pivot (imprint of Palgrave Macmillan)
Berry, M., (2014) Filtered smartphone moments: Haunting places, in Making Mobile Media in an Age of Smartphones, Berry, M and Schleser, M (eds.) Palgrave Pivot (imprint of Palgrave Macmillan)
Berry, M and Schleser, M. (2014) (eds.) Making Mobile Media in an Age of Smartphones, Palgrave Pivot (imprint of Palgrave Macmillan)
Brunt, Shelley D. 2014, 'The infinite power of song: Uniting Japan at the 60th annual Kohaku song contest', in Made in Japan: Studies in Japanese Popular Music, Routledge, United Kingdom, pp. 37-51 ISBN: 9780415637572
Goggin, G. and L. Hjorth (2014) ‘Introduction: Mobile Media Research –– State of the Art’, in G. Goggin & L. Hjorth (eds) The Routledge Companion Mobile Media. New York: Routledge, pp. 1-8.
Goggin, G and L. Hjorth (eds) (2014) The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media. NY: Routledge.
Gomes, C. Berry, M. Alzougool, B. and Chang, S. 2014, 'Home away from home: International students and their identity-based social networks in Australia', in Journal of International Students, Arkansas State University - Nepalese Student Association, United States, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 2-15 ISSN: 2162-3104
Guntarik, O. Van der Pol, C. and Berry, M. 2014, ‘Breaking with Taboo: Writing about Forbidden Things’, New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, published online 10, Sep 2014
Hjorth, L. (2014) ‘Cell Phone entry’, in Marie-Laure Ryan (ed) The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media and Textuality. John Hopkins Press.
Hjorth, L. (2014) ‘Gendered Networked Visualities: Locative Camera phone cultures in Seoul, South Korea’, in Cynthia Carter, Linda Steiner, and Lisa McLaughlin (eds) The Routledge Companion to Gender. London: Routledge.
Hjorth, L. (2014) ‘Locating the Mobile and Social: A Preliminary Discussion of Camera Phones and Locative Media’ in D. Goldberg (ed) Between Humanities and the Digital. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, pp 229-242.
Hjorth, L. (2014) Locating the Social and Mobile: A case study of women’s use of Kakao social mobile media in Seoul, Asiascape: Digital Asia journal.
Hjorth, L. (2014) Locating the Visual: A case study of gendered location-based services and camera phone practices in Seoul, South Korea, Television & New Media, doi: 10.1177/1527476413483841
Hjorth, L. (2014) ‘Location-Based Status Updates in Social Networks’, Encyclopaedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer.
Hjorth, L. & J. Burgess (2014) ‘Intimate banalities: The emotional currency of shared camera phone images during the Queensland flood disaster’, in G. Goggin & L. Hjorth (eds) The Routledge Companion Mobile Media. New York: Routledge, pp. 499-513.
Hjorth, Larissa and Heather Horst (2014). Visualising Ethnography: Ethnography's role in Art and Visual Cultures. Visual Studies 29(2): 193-202
Hjorth, L. King, N. & M. Kataoka (2014) (eds) Art in Asia-Pacific: Intimate Publics, New York: Routledge.
Hjorth, L., N. King, and M. Kataoka (2014) ‘Conclusion: Beyond the Intimate? The Place of the Public in the Region’, in Hjorth, L., N. King, and M. Kataoka (eds) Art in the Asia-Pacific region: Intimate Publics. New York: Routledge, pp. 231-241.
Hjorth, L., N. King, and M. Kataoka (2014) ‘Intimate Publics: The Place of Art and Media Cultures in the Asia-Pacific region’, in Hjorth, L., N. King, and M. Kataoka (eds) Art in the Asia-Pacific region: Intimate Publics. New York: Routledge, pp. 1-20.
Hjorth, L. and Pink, S. (2014) ‘Maps of Emplaced Visuality: Reconceptualising Camera Phone Practices in an Age of Locative Media’ in G. Goggin and L. Hjorth (eds) Routledge Mobile Media Companion.
Hjorth, L. and S. Pink (2014) New Visualities and the Digital Wayfarer: Reconceptualizing camera phone photography, Mobile Media & Communication. 2 (1): 40-57.
Hjorth, L. J.L. Qiu, Zhou B., and D. Wei (2014) The Social in the Mobile: QQ as cross-generational media in China, in G. Goggin & L. Hjorth (eds) The Routledge Companion Mobile Media. New York: Routledge, pp. 291-299.
Hjorth, L. and K. Sharp (2014) ‘The Art of Ethnography’, Visual Studies journal 29 (2): 128-135.
Hjorth, L., K. Sharp, and L, Williams (2014) ‘Screen Ecologies: A discussion of art, screen cultures and the environment in the region’, in Hjorth, L., N. King, and M. Kataoka (eds) Art in the Asia-Pacific region: Intimate Publics. New York: Routledge, pp. 105-122.
Hjorth, L. and I. Richardson (2014) Gaming in Locative, Social and Mobile Media, London: Palgrave.
Hjorth, L. & I. Richardson (2014) ‘Mobile Games’ in Zheng Yan (ed) Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior, New York: IGI Global.
Horst, Heather A. (2014) Calling My Name. In Sumanth Gopinath and Jason Stanyek’s The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Media and Sound, Volume 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-537572-5
Horst, Heather A. (2014). From Roots Culture to Sour Fruit: The Aesthetics of Mobile Branding Cultures in Jamaica. Visual Studies 29(2): 125-127
Horst, Heather A. (2014) Review of Assa Doron and Robin Jeffrey. 2013. The Great Indian Cell Phone Book. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology (TAPJA) 15 (5): 480-482
Horst, Heather A and Erin Taylor. (2014). The role of mobile phones in the mediation of border crossings: A study of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA) 25(2):155-170
Jungnickel, K. and L. Hjorth, (2014) ‘Playing with Methodological entanglements: Messiness, machines, research probes and intangibilities’, Visual Studies journal 29 (2): 136-145.
Keep, D and Berry, M. 2014, ‘Remediating Vertov: Man with a movie camera phone’, Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media, vol. 2, no. 1, p164-179
Leder Mackley, K. and S. Pink (2014) ‘Framing and educating attention: a sensory apprenticeship in the context of domestic energy research’ in L. Arantes ed. Ways of Sensing the Field
Lee W. C. and L. Hjorth (2014) ‘PlayStations: On Being Curated and other Geo-Ethnographies’, in Hjorth, L., N. King, and M. Kataoka (eds) Art in the Asia-Pacific region: Intimate Publics. New York: Routledge, pp. 146-158.
Lennie, J. and Tacchi, J. (2014) ‘Bridging the divide between upward accountability and learning-based approaches to development evaluation: Strategies for an enabling environment’ Evaluation Journal of Australasia. 14 (1) 12–23.
Lewis, Tania. ‘Life coaches, makeover mavens, fashion doyens: everyday experts on reality programming’, in Laurie Ouellette (ed.), A Companion to reality television (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014: 402-420).
Lewis, Tania. ‘Lifestyle Media’, in Jennifer Smith Maguire and Julian Matthews (eds.), The Cultural Intermediaries Reader (London: Sage, 2014: 134-144).
Lewis, Tania. ‘One city block at a time: Researching and cultivating green transformations’, International Journal of Cultural Studies In press, forthcoming 2014.
Lewis, Tania and Alison Huber. ‘A revolution in an eggcup? Supermarket wars, celebrity chefs, and ethical consumption’, Food, Culture and Society commissioned for special issue on Celebrity chefs, accepted forthcoming.
Light, A & Akama, Y. 2014. Structuring Future Social Relations: The Politics of Care in Participatory Practice’, Proceedings in PDC 14, Windohoek, Namibia, 6-10 October 2014.
Martens, L. B. Halkier and S. Pink (2014) ‘Researching habits: advances in linguistic and embodied research practice’ International Journal of Social Research Methodology, DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2014.853999
Mitchell, V., K. Leder Mackley, S. Pink, G. Wilson et al (accepted 17th July 2014) ‘Situating digital interventions: mixed methods for HCI research in the home’ Interacting with Computers
Monterde, A. and J. Postill 2014. Mobile ensembles: The uses of mobile phones for social protest by Spain’s indignados. In G. Goggin and L. Hjorth (eds.) Routledge Companion to Mobile Media. London: Routledge, 429-438.
Pink, S. (2014) ‘An Urban Tour: The Sensory Sociality of Ethnographic Place-making in S. Hillyard (ed) Approaches to Fieldwork’. London: Sage Publications. Republication of ‘An Urban Tour: The Sensory Sociality of Ethnographic Place-making’, Ethnography, 9(2) (2008): 175-196.
Pink, S. (2014) ‘Digital-Visual-Sensory-Design Anthropology: ethnography, imagination and intervention’ Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 13(4): 412-427
Pink, S. & L. Hjorth (2014) ‘Maps of emplaced visuality: reconceptualising camera phone practices in an age of locative media’, in G. Goggin & L. Hjorth (eds) The Routledge Companion Mobile Media. New York: Routledge, pp. 448-498.
Pink, S. and K. Leder Mackley (2014) ‘Flow in Everyday Life: Situating Practices’ in C. Maller and Y. Strengers (eds) Beyond Behaviour Change: Intervening in social practices for sustainability, Routledge.
Pink, S. and K. Leder Mackley (2015, published online first 2014) ‘Moving, Making and Atmosphere: routines of home as sites for mundane improvisation’ Mobilities
Pink, S. and K. Leder Mackley (2014) ‘Reenactment Methodologies for Everyday Life Research: Art Therapy Insights for Video Ethnography’ Visual Studies 29(2), pp.146-154,.
Pink, S and Tania Lewis (2014), ‘Making resilience: everyday affect and global affiliation in Australian Slow Cities’, Cultural Geographies, 2014: 1-16.
Pink, S., J. Morgan and A. Dainty (2015, accepted 22nd August 2014) ‘Managing the Safe Hand: gels, water, gloves and the materiality of tactile knowing’ the Journal of Material Culture
Pink, S. J. Morgan and A. Dainty (2014) ‘Safety in Movement: mobile workers, mobile media’, Mobile Media and Communication 2(3): 335-351
Postill, J. 2014. A critical history of internet activism and social protest in Malaysia, 1998-2011. Asiascape: Digital Asia Journal 1-2: 78-103.
Postill, J. 2014. Democracy in an age of viral reality: a media epidemiography of Spain’s indignados movement Ethnography 15 (1): 50-68.
Postill, J. in press. Freedom technologists and the new protest movements: a theory of protest formulas. Special issue of Convergence journal, “New Media, Global Activism and Politics” Vol. 20, no. 3 (2014).
Postill, J. 2014. Spain’s indignados and the mediated aesthetics of nonviolence. In P. Werbner, K. Spellman-Poots and M. Webb (eds) The Political Aesthetics of Global Protest: Beyond the Arab Spring. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Richardson, I. & L. Hjorth (2014) ‘Mobile Games: From Tetris to Foursquare, in G. Goggin & L. Hjorth (eds) The Routledge Companion Mobile Media. New York: Routledge, pp. 256-266.
Schutt, S. Berry, M. and Cianci, L., 2014, ‘Lost Melbourne: A Digital Ethnography of a Facebook Local History Group’ Global Ethnographic Journal
Tacchi, J. (in press – expected Dec 2014) ‘Being Meaningfully Mobile: mobile phones and development’ In Servaes, J. (Ed.) Technological determinism and Communication for Sustainable Social Change. Lexington Books.
Tacchi, J. (in press, 2014) ‘Stillness, Voice, Listening: diachronic approaches to researching communication for development’ In Tufte, T. Hemer, O. and Hansen, A.H. (Eds.) Memory on Trial: Media, Citizenship and Social Justice. Berlin and London: Lit Verlag.
Tacchi, J. & Lennie, J. (2014) ‘A framework for researching and evaluating communication for development and social change’ In Wilkins, K, Tufte, T & Obregon, R. (Eds.) Handbook on Development Communication & Social Change. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. Pages 298-320.
Tacchi, J., Kitner, K., Kiran, M.S. (2014), ‘Drive-by Wi-Fi and digital storytelling: development and co-creation’ The Journal of Community Informatics 10(1). http://ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/article/view/1015.
Taylor, Erin B. and Heather A. Horst. (2014) The Aesthetics of Mobile Money. In G. Goggin and L. Hjorth’s Mobile Media Companion. London: Routledge. Pp. 262-472. ISBN-10: 0415809479
Wilson, G. T., T. Bhamra, K. Leder Mackley, S. Pink, and V. Mitchell. 2014. PORTS: an interdisciplinary and systemic approach to studying energy use in the home. InProceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication (UbiComp '14 Adjunct). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 971-978. DOI=10.1145/2638728.2641551 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2638728.2641551
Witkowski, Emma. “Competition and Cooperation” in Perron, B. and Wolf, M. J., eds. (2014). The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies. New York: Routledge.