2013 Publications by DERC members
Media Methods Publications
Hinton, S. & L. Hjorth. Understanding Digital Media in the Age of Social Networking. London: Sage. Also a useful text for Emergent Media Practices.
Hjorth, L. & M. Arnold. Online@AsiaPacific: Mobile, Social and Locative in the Asia–Pacific region, Asia’s Transformation series. London: Routledge.
Hjorth, L. and H. Horst “Engaging practices: doing personalized media’, in S. Price, C. Jewitt & B. Brown (eds) The Sage Handbook of Digital Technology Research. London: Sage.
Miller, Daniel. “People that make machines the script people” in Anthropology of this Century 6. http://aotcpress.com/articles/people-machines-script-people/
Miller, Daniel, “Not Getting the Internet” in Fair Observer 6 Feb. http://www.fairobserver.com/article/not-getting-internet
Miller, Daniel. “What is the relationship between identities that people construct, express and consume online and those offline?” Driver document for Future Identities: Changing identities in the UK – the next 10 years. London: Government Office for Science. http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/foresight/docs/identity/13-504-relationship-between-identities-online-and-offline.pdf
Miller, Daniel. “Denim: The modesty of clothing and the immodesty of religion” in R. Lewis (ed) Modest Fashion: Styling Bodies, Mediating Faith. London: I. B. Tauris.
Pink, S. Doing Visual Ethnography. Revised and expanded 3rd edition. London: Sage.
Pink, S., A, Dainty and D. Tutt (eds). Ethnographic Research in the Construction Industry. London: Taylor and Francis.
Pink, S. and J. Morgan. “Short term ethnography: intense routes to knowing” in Symbolic Interactionism. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/symb.66/asset/symb66.pdf?v=1&t=hjewp8gl&s=d28cecac2fd9fce46b8bb477f163f9b78e7dc040 Also a useful Emergent Media Practices text.
Singh, S. Meredith Blake, and Jonathan O’Donnell. "Digitizing Pacific Cultural Collections: The Australian Experience" in International Journal of Cultural Property, 20. 77–107.
Singh, S. and Cabraal, A. "Remittances as a Currency of Care: Contested Representations of Money and the Idea of Family" in South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 36:1. 50-64.
Design + Ethnography Publications
Akama, Y. and A. Prendiville. “Embodying, enacting and entangling design: a phenomenological view to co-designing services” in Design Research Journalhttp://www.svid.se/upload/Forskning/Design_Research_Journal/Design_Research_Journal_nr_1_2013/Embodying_enacting_and_entangling_design.pdf
Leder Mackley, K., Mitchell, V., Pink, S., Escobar-Tello, C. and Bhamra, T. “Understanding Technology in the Home: Sensory Ethnography and HCI” in Proceedings of ACM CHI 2013 Workshop on Methods for Studying Technology in the Home, April 27, 2013, Paris, France. http://studyingthehome.wp.horizon.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/LEEDR_CHI_PaperFinal.pdf. Also a useful Media Methods text.
Pink, S., D. Tutt and A. Dainty. Introduction to S. Pink, A, Dainty and D. Tutt (eds) Ethnographic Research in the Construction Industry. London: Taylor and Francis. 1-22.
Pink, S. K. Leder Mackley, V. Mitchell, C. Escobar-Tello, M. Hanratty, T. Bhamra and R. Morosanu. “Applying the Lens of Sensory Ethnography to Sustainable HCI” in Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 1-22.
Sharp, K. "Driving in the sonic city" in In K. Sharp and E. Grierson (eds) Re-imagining the City: art, globalization and urban spaces. Bristol: Intellect Books.
Sharp, K. and E. Grierson. "Art and the Global City" in K. Sharp and E. Grierson (eds) Re-imagining the City: art, globalization and urban spaces. Bristol: Intellect Books.
Tutt, D, S. Pink, A, Dainty and A. Gibb. "'In the air' and below the horizon of notice: Migrant workers in UK construction and the practice based nature of learning and communicating OHS” in Construction Management and Economics. 1-13. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01446193.2012.756145
Emergent Media Practices Publications
Berry, Marsha. “Being There: Poetic Landscapes”, in Coolabah 11. 85- 96. http://www.ub.edu/dpfilsa/coola11marshaberry9.pdf
Berry, Marsha and O. Goodwin. “Poetry 4 U: Pinning poems under/over/through the streets” in New Media and Society. http://nms.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/12/04/1461444812464470.full.pdf+html (University log on required)
Fors, V., A. Backstrom and S. Pink. “Multisensory emplaced learning: resituating situated learning in a moving world” in Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal, 20(2). 170-183. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10749039.2012.719991
Hjorth, L. “Games: Mobile, Locative and Social” in S. Cunningham & S. Turnbull (eds) The Media and Communications in Australia, 4th edition. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Hjorth, L. “Frames of Discontent: Social media, Mobile Intimacy and the Boundaries of Media Practice”, in H. Koskela & J. Macgregor Wise (eds) The new ecstasy of communication: New visualities, new technologies. New York: Ashgate.
Hjorth, L. “The Art of Games: Machinima as Games, Art and New Media” in J. Barrett & J. Ng (eds) Understanding Machinima: essays on filmmaking in virtual worlds. London: Bloomsbury.
Hjorth, L. ‘The place of the emplaced mobile: A case study into gendered locative media practices’, Mobile Media & Communication 1(1). 110–115. http://mmc.sagepub.com/content/1/1/110.full.pdf+html (University log on required)
Horst, Heather A. “The Infrastructures of Mobile Media: Towards a Future Research Agenda” in Mobile Media and Communication 1(1). 147-52. http://mmc.sagepub.com/content/1/1/147.full.pdf+html (University log on required)
Keen, Seth. “The Grampians” in Adrian Miles (ed) Quickened: A Video iBook. iBook available for download at http://vogmae.net.au/piv/works/ibooks/. (creative work)
Keen, Seth. “Purrumbete Verandah, 2008” in Coolabah 11. 54–59. http://www.ub.edu/dpfilsa/coola11sethkeen6.pdf
Keen, Seth. “The Rumblings Ramblings of a Post-industrial Media Producer Maker” in Adrian Miles (ed) PIMP 01: Post-industrial Media: Education? Melbourne, Australia: School of Media and Communication, RMIT University. iBook available for download at https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/post-industrial-media-education/id537197385?mt=11. (creative work)
Lewis, Tania. “Life coaches, makeover mavens, fashion doyens: everyday experts on reality programming’, in Laurie Ouellette (ed) A Companion to reality television. United States: Wiley-Blackwell.
Lewis, Tania, Fran Martin and John Sinclair. “Lifestyle media and social transformation in Asia” in Media International Australia 147. 51-61.
Lewis, Tania, Fran Martin and John Sinclair (eds). Lifestyle media and social transformation in Asia, special edition of Media International Australia 147.
Pink, S. and L. Servon. “Sensory Global Towns: an experiential approach to the growth of the Slow City movement” in Environment and Planning A, 45(2). 451 – 466.
Teusner, Paul. “Configuring the religious cyborg: technology and the future of religion” in Seyed Javad Miri (ed) Global Future of Religion: Probing into issues of religion and religiosity in the postmodern world. London: International Peace Studies Centre Press.